Renewal Start/End Date

I am not sure when it happened but Salesforce CPQ now sets Start/End Date fields on Renewals. Instead of setting Start Date and Subscription Term. This is a bad thing for most of our clients. So I made the most simple process builder that sets Subscription Term to Renewed Contract Renewal Subscription Term and Sets End Date to NULL. This is a very specific use case and solution, so this may not be for you! If it IS for you, here are some install links!

Sandbox | Production

4 thoughts on “Renewal Start/End Date

  1. Hi Dennis, your articles are so helpful. May I know what is the scenario which made it bad to have renewal quote’s end date calculated automatically? As per my understanding, renewal opportunity end date is derived from master contract end date, and renewal quote’s end date is calculated from the master contract’s subscription term. Please let me know your business scenario which made you to update end date as NULL ?

    1. I would say the scenario that prompted this solution is most scenarios I’ve come across. Most of them use start date and subscription term and the end date is left blank (except for on amendments). So to have CPQ generate a renewal with start and end date filled instead of start date and subscription term, makes more work for them because now they have to manually remove the end date and put in a subscription term.

  2. Is there any argument for doing the same on Amendments? So that subscription term is used uniformly across the system. Or would you potentially have s mismatch between the amendment and contract end dates?

    1. Amendments work differently than renewals. Amendments require a start and end date. This is because your amendment is only for a specific period of time within the contract period. When you amend a contract, you are saying, here are some changes that start on this date and end on this contract term’s end date.

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