MDQ! Contracts! Segment Quantity!

This is a weird one but it makes sense.

You have a yearly MDQ Product. You quote it for 3 years. You generate a Contract after close winning the Opportunity.

There are TWO ways you can generate the Contract:

  1. Close Win Opportunity (or whatever criteria you use to contract with)
    1. Contracted = True on Opportunity.
  2. Close Win Opportunity (or whatever criteria you use to contract with)
    1. Ordered = True on Quote
    2. Contracted = True on Order

Contracted = True on Opportunity
In the first scenario, you generate your Contract from the Opportunity and then do an amendment for 2 more quantity in each of the 3 segments. This will generate Subscription records that have a segment quantity of the total at the time of the amendment.

Contracted = True on Order
In the second scenario, you generate your Contract from the Order and then do an amendment for 2 more quantity in each of the 3 segments. This will generate Subscription records that have a segment quantity of the offset!

This can be quite confusing! The reason this happens:

The Contract on the Opportunity gets generated and adjusted using the total quantities of the original Quote and amendment Quotes as you do them and select Contracted = True on the Opportunities.

The Contract on the Order gets generated using the total quantities of the Order as you Order against the Quotes and select Contracted = True on the Orders.

The Opps/Quotes have total quantities. The Orders have the offset quantities.

4 thoughts on “MDQ! Contracts! Segment Quantity!

  1. Hi , Thanks so mcuh for sharing this info.
    I would like to ask , if we can configure a Multi Dimension Quote on a Block priced Product?
    Please share some insight
    Thanks in advance

    1. Hello Laxmi! Yes you can! Make sure to include block prices for all blocks including the highest quantity and above. 👍🏻 Here is a link to the considerations to review when configuring MDQ products.

  2. Hi D P,

    Saw this post and was wondering if there’s any way we could make the qty of the 2nd, 3rd Nth segment to match the qty of the related Quote line product regarless if its segmented subscription? thanks in advance!

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