New Business Opportunity/Quote (Green)
This is the place where you begin the business with a new customer. First, you create an Opportunity. This may have some required fields and/or validations to make sure you enter the right information.
Then a Quote is created with the New Quote button, and is attached to the above Opportunity. Adding the pertinent lines and adjusting things like quantity and discounts are next.
The Quote can be flagged as the Primary Quote using the Primary checkbox. Flagging a Quote as primary allows the Quote to take over the Opportunity in the following ways:
- Opp Lines are auto managed by CPQ and mirror Quote Lines from the Primary Quote.
- The Amount field on the Opportunity is auto managed by CPQ and mirrors the Primary Quote’s total.
The Opportunity
- Points to the Primary Quote (if there is one that is has Primary = True).
The Quote
- Points to the Account for which the Quote is for.
- Points to the Opportunity for which the Quote is for.
Contract and Subscriptions (Blue)
The Contract is the place where the deal is managed after the New Business Opportunity is Closed Won.
Generally, custom automation is set up to flag the Opportunity as Contracted upon Closed Winning the Opp (Contracted = True/Checked).
Setting the Contracted field to checked tells CPQ to create a Contract record and Subscription records for all subscription type Quote Lines. The Contract and Subscriptions all have Start/End Dates and Subscription Term based on the original Primary Quote.
The Contract
- Points to the original Opp and original Quote that it’s based on.
- Has a related list for Renewal Opportunities.
- Has a related list for Amendment Opportunities.
The Subscriptions
- Point to their respective original Quote Lines.
Renewal Opportunity/Quote (Purple)
The Renewal Opportunity and Quote are the records put into the pipeline for a future renewal of the customer’s Contract. These records are based on the current Contract but have updated Start/End Dates.
Generally, custom automation is set up to flag the Contract as Renewal Forecast upon activating the Contract. So a Renewal Opp is generated at the beginning of the Contract. The Renewal Quote is typically not auto-generated (flagged as Renewal Quoted) until just before the End Date of the Contract’s subscription period. It depends on the requirements of the business, sometimes it is 30 days earlier than the End Date, sometimes it is 90 days after the Start Date. It could be anything really. A timed flow is a good place to put the Renewal Quote automation.
When a Renewal Opportunity is Closed Won and the Contracted checkbox is checked, a new Contract and Subscription list are generated.
The Renewal Opportunity
- Points to the Renewed Contract.
- Points to the Primary Quote (the renewal Quote).
The Renewal Quote
- Points to the Account for which the Renewal Quote is for.
- Points to the Renewal Opportunity for which the Renewal Quote is for.
Amendment Opportunity/Quote (Orange)
An Amendment Opportunity and Quote make adjustments to the current Contract. They are intended to be an offset and not a full Contract. Only new lines or lines with adjusted quantities will reflect a dollar amount. The Quote’s Total Amount and the Opp’s Amount reflect only the offset values, not the full Contract amount.
When an Amendment Opportunity is Closed Won and the Contracted checkbox is checked, the existing Contract is updated with additional Subscription records reflecting the changes that were made in the Amendment Quote. CPQ also updates the Renewal Opportunity to reflect a consolidation of any changes that were made. The Renewal Quote will not be updated and will need to be regenerated.
The Amendment Opportunity
- Points to the Amended Contract.
- Points to the Primary Quote (the amendment Quote).
The Amendment Quote
- Points to the Account for which the Amendment Quote is for.
- Points to the Amendment Opportunity for which the Amendment Quote is for.
- Points to the Original Contract.