Quote Template – Examples??

Are you looking for an example Quote Template to start with? Have no idea where to even begin and need a sample template easily installed for you to learn and jump off of? Here it is! There’s an out of the box way to do this! Create a Quote Template. Create a Template Content. In the content screen, there are two options in the list that create a header and a footer!

2 thoughts on “Quote Template – Examples??

  1. Hi Dennis,

    I hope you are doing great.

    I need suggestions on the quote Templates Line Columns section. We are using many columns (around 13) with conditional field options. The sales rep can choose which column to show or hide on the templates.

    My Concern is how to adjust the size of the columns, it always takes the left column as a precedence over allocating space on the templates. Is there any option to size the column based on the data rather than the Width of the column (auto adjust option)?


    1. Hey there! There is no way to configure width based on the data in the fields. 13 is quite a few columns. With conditional columns, I size them to when they are all present. Then there’s a field that allows to give its space up to other columns when it isn’t there. Then cpq figures it out. That’s the best you’re gonna do. The next option is to use a custom visualforce content that you have a bit more control over but even then, it’s difficult to size by data content.

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